HCC Security Graphics is a provider of leading-edge security graphic design based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Our security graphic designs enhance document aesthetics while being inexpensive and effective fraud deterrents.
We began serving the needs of the infant precision digital imaging industry in 1984. What began with the creation of engineering and technical graphics, evolved into leading-edge digital cartographic and technical publishing, which was then applied to security graphic design. While creating many major world currencies, passports, certificates, coupons, labels, licenses, models, and experimental graphics, we continue to look ahead and find boundless potential and infinite possibility.
We have developed our own in-house security graphics software, DOVE, the Document Of Value Engine. Our groupings of the best off-the-shelf graphics software available, enhanced by our innovative in-house security graphic application software, combine into the most powerful PC-based security software system in use today.
Boundless potential and infinite possibility -- this is the past, present and future at HCC. Helping our customers define and meet their changing needs is the focus of our corporate strategy and our efforts in research and development. With a successful and proud history behind us, we continue to set the highest standards as we face a post-9/11 era of runaway technology and an ever-increasing need for enhanced security.